Langkawi, 20th December 2021 – An educational talk programme (Program Bicara Ilmu) had been successfully organised by Langkawi Development Authority (LADA) in A’ishah Mosque, Sungai Menghulu. The religious kulliyyah (after prayer class) was delivered by YBhg. Ustaz Elyas bin Ismail, discussing a topic entitled “Blessed Sustenance Amidst Afflictions” (Rezeki Barakah di Musim Susah).

The programme which was attended by 300 mosque congregation members is part of outlined programmes under the agency’s strategy to enhance spiritual development of local community through religious education. Programmes as such will be continuously planned and held by LADA to ensure the locals could benefit from the knowledge obtained, hence guiding them in leading their daily lives.

May Langkawi residents be continuously showered with blessed sustenance and grace bestowed by Him.
